BBC Future - From Then To Here

BBC Future
‘From Then To Here (And On To There)’

This is a highlights compilation from a short series of video essays made for BBC Future, a science and tech-based arm of the BBC.

Future organise annual TED Talk-esque conferences called ‘World Changing Ideas’, where notable figures present talks around innovative and thought-provoking ideas. These short films were played before certain speakers took to the stage, in order to refresh the audience on the topic. They are meant to be light palette cleansers, that ignite your curiosity to hear more. The clips in this selection cover the topics of ‘A.I’, Food’ and ‘Space’.

I wrote, directed and co-edited this series. Liaising with the BBC Future team, I researched key elements of history and distilled them down to their essence. A healthy budget meant we could access some juicy archive material. My favourite discovery from the research is the endearingly blurry ‘first satellite image from space’, a testament to how far our technology has come.

Produced by Lonelyleap Film